Baby Yoga is an inclusive set of practices to enhance playful interaction and communication between parent and baby and to promote their healthy development.
From birth, babies respond positively to the stimulation of movement and touch together. In each baby yoga session, we use yoga moves which have been adapted especially for babies (mini twists, mini stretches, upper and lower body movements, diagonal movements) all wrapped up with playful moves and rhymes.
Baby yoga builds on your baby’s physical and mental developmental milestones and aid’s your baby’s brain development and your baby’s sense of co-ordination, balance and sensory and motor skills. Baby yoga also helps to attune to your baby’s needs and to calm or stimulate them as appropriate with a sense of security and wellbeing.
Classes run 51 weeks of the year.
We offer 13 pregnancy fitness, postnatal fitness and baby classes a week. Our memberships cover all classes on the timetable – so you simply pick and choose which classes you attend each week!
Check out our website for details of our full timetable of classes –
Classes take place at David Lloyd (Thames Valley Park), and in Woodley, Earley and Caversham.