A Comprehensive Guide to Nordic Walking

Most people are already familiar with Nordic walking as everyone has seen people walking with a straight posture and using peculiar poles as they do. This is a type of fitness walking that comes from Finland. With Nordic walking, special walking poles are used, and they resemble ski poles as this fitness activity was introduced as a way to train skiers during the off-season. This is a great activity to maintain your health and strengthen the body, which can be beneficial for literally everyone. Whether you are an athlete or a person who is trying to get back into shape, you can enjoy Nordic walking all the same. With the help of Nordic walking poles, it is possible to get into this kind of walking right away and enjoy numerous health benefits while meeting new people or enjoying fresh air on your own. Read along to learn more about the advantages of Nordic walking and choosing the right walking poles for this activity.

About Nordic Walking

While traditional walking focuses mainly on your legs, Nordic walking is an enhanced fitness technique that engages your upper body as well. About 90% of the muscles in your body benefit from Nordic walking, making it a very accessible and smooth yet effective workout.

To engage the whole body, special walking poles are used. They are not the same as trekking poles, so make sure to purchase Nordic walking poles specifically. These poles are designed after those used in cross-country skiing with certain alterations that make them especially comfortable and efficient for walking.

Advantages of Nordic Walking

It is actually incredible how many positive effects can Nordic walking have on your physical and even mental health. Everyone can find a good reason to pick up this activity. Here are some key benefits:

  • Suitable for everyone. Exercising is difficult for many people both physically and mentally. The good thing is Nordic pole walking feels like a pleasant walk and not as an excruciating and boring exercise at the gym. Anyone can pick this activity up regardless of their physical condition.
  • Losing weight. Nordic walking is often a great solution for managing your weight, although at a slower pace than with special exercises. About 90% of the muscles in your body are engaged, and the heart rate increases while walking, which results in burning energy and fat.
  • Strengthening muscles and bones. To keep your bones and muscles in shape even as you age, it is crucial to make them work. You can try Nordic walking to regain lost strength or maintain your body in good working shape.
  • Improving hips and knees. Hip and knee joints are notorious for deteriorating quickly as we age. If your hips and knees pop each time you put some pressure on them or they start hurting when the weather is bad, it is definitely time to work on them. Nordic walking is perfect for strengthening your joints and having a healthy body at any age.
  • Great for your heart and lungs. Your heart rate definitely increases with Nordic walking. Walking like this regularly has many benefits for strengthening your heart and avoiding certain conditions in the future. People with asthma have also noticed positive effects of Nordic walking as they stopped suffering from breathlessness after walking regularly.
  • Improved blood circulation. Not only do you walk and experience increased heart rate, which results in blood being pumped quicker. Your feet are also in active work, as well as your swinging arms and hands gripping on the poles, which adds to improved circulation greatly.
  • Mental health benefits. Nordic walking is often done in parks or natural areas, which allows exercising while enjoying the scenery around you. This reduces anxiety and stress levels immensely. Nordic walking can also be a group activity, which is popular. Walking in pleasurable company is always good for mental well-being.
  • Seeing new places. With Nordic walking, you can explore new exciting places in your area or travel somewhere else to enjoy nature and landscapes.

As you can see, it is possible to find some things that will benefit you specifically with Nordic walking.

Choosing Nordic Walking Poles

There are tons of Nordic poles on the market these days, and it is important to pick the right ones for the best results. Pay attention to these characteristics when choosing your walking poles:

  • It is better to pick adjustable Nordic walking poles if you want to share them with others or if you are only starting and want to get the hang of things.
  • Collapsible poles. It is a handy feature that allows you to transport your poles easily. This is extra convenient if you travel somewhere else for Nordic walking.
  • Hand grips. These grips come in a variety of different materials, and you should try them to find the ones that suit you best.

Remember these features when choosing equipment.

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