10 Tips To Learn When Baking Bread At Home

Baking is a science, and there is a balance that must be achieved between temperature, active ingredients, flavors, and time. Ensure that you are baking the best possible bread from home using the following tips. 

tips for baking bread at home, baking bread, homemade bread making advice

Take Your Time

Try to avoid skipping steps on your recipe, because they are typically tried and tested methods that have been created to create the best possible loaf of bread. It’s important to remember that to Make Bread At Home you cannot rush, so you should allow plenty of time for the dough to prove and rest when the recipe says to. 

You can also read: https://redkitedays.co.uk/make-easy-flatbreads/ 

The proof time is also critical to avoid cutting short, so you should prevent this by setting timers for yourself with the specific interval that is required. Practice your patience and ensure that you are following the recommended instructions. 


It takes a little time to gain certain baking skills, and the best way to learn is by practicing. Some simple processes are easy to overestimate such as measuring or combining a dough, but you should try to learn through practice. This can allow you to appreciate the work that goes into the baking process and establish your own range of skills and techniques. 

Check Your Kneading

You will know when the dough has been kneaded for the right amount of time if you tear off a small piece and stretch it between your fingers. If the dough breaks or tears into two pieces, then you should knead it more. 

When this happens, it means that the gluten has not fully developed yet. This is evident by the dough being less elastic than it should be after kneading. 

Use The Right Yeast

Yeast is essential to make bread rise and create the chewy texture that everybody associates with bread. Fresh yeast is more challenging to find, whereas active dry yeast can often be found in the home baking section of most supermarkets. 

Each type of yeast can have a different effect on the bread dough, so you should check that you have the recommended yeast product in order to achieve the right texture without compromising the rise of a loaf. 

Measure Carefully 

Another important skill that will become easier over time with regular practice is the measuring process. Baking can be a delicate balancing task with certain ingredients, and you should try to be as accurate as possible when you are measuring quantities. 

Too much of one ingredient can impact the texture or flavor of your bread, whereas too little can affect the baking time. 

Set The Temperature

Proving and baking should be done in the right temperatures in order to get the best results. Yeast does not always respond well to colder temperatures, so it is worth finding a warm place for your dough to rise. 

Likewise, it’s just as essential to preheat the oven correctly. If the oven is not hot enough, then it can cause the dough to sink or not rise at all. Pay close attention to the recipe’s recommendations for different oven and proving temperatures and try to follow them as much as possible. 

Keep The Oven Closed

One of the number one rules with baking is to keep the oven door closed while your dough or other bakes are cooking. Opening the door too soon lets the hot air out, and slows down the cooking process. It can also affect the texture of your bread because of the steam that has been released too soon during the baking process. 

Start Off Small

Try not to get disheartened by the elaborate designs or different recipes used by more experienced bakers. It’s more important to get the basics right before moving on to the more complicated variants such as flavor combinations or even sweet bread recipes. 

Keep Salt And Yeast Separate

While you should add a little salt to the dry ingredients to taste, it can inhibit the effects of the yeast. This can lead to the dough being smaller than you may expect after proving, or even an uneven rise in the oven. Use salt sparingly for this reason. 

Leave At Room Temperature

Once your bread is fully baked, leave it on the counter for a day before storing it in an airtight container or securely wrapping in plastic wrap. At this stage, the bread will taste fresh, and the crust will be the best texture that it can be. 


There is definitely a balance that is achieved when baking with different ingredients, time and temperature. The process can be highly rewarding and satisfying once you have allowed yourself the opportunity to learn a new skill and improve your appreciation for baking bread at home. 


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